الأحد، 20 نوفمبر 2016

Match live AC Milan vs Inter Milan

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Warned Bayern Munich, the German coach, Carlo Ancelotti's former club AC Milan against complacency when they face Inter Milan in the Milan derby on Sunday within the 13th round of the Italian league.
It was Ancelotti has played for Milan and then trained during the first decade of the new millennium and has achieved great success on Almistoeyen.
Ancelotti said three days before the start of the Italian summit "Milan must be wary of Inter, Valmnavs difficult to deal with in the derby, they've played well against Juventus, despite the provision of a bad performance in the rest of the matches with the article de Boer."
And the best Derby him when he was with Milan, Ancelotti said: "I remember the win over Inter by three goals to two, we were late with the duality of the end of the first half, I remember very well a rocket Shevchenko and Seedorf third goal, which was decisive."
"The more the Derby pressures faced in the semi-finals of the Champions League in 2003, but that night was very happy."
Ancelotti is preparing to run in the face of a strong weekend when Bayern Munich faces Borussia Dortmund counterpart.

الأربعاء، 19 أكتوبر 2016

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